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Gramophonedzie Why Don’t You Video Testo Canzone

Testo Why Don’t You Video Gramophonedzie Canzone

Gramophonedzie con Why Don’t You qui con video e testo della canzone. Why Don’t You, è il singolo del Dj serbo Marko Milicevic in arte Marko Hollywood. Questo singolo è tra i più ascoltati e anche tra i più ballati del momento, Gramophonedzie con Why Don’T You. In Why Don’t You c’è campionato un pezzo di Peggy Lee che si intitolava ‘Why Don’t You Do Right’ e da questo campionamento che poi nasce l’idea di Gramophonedzie per il singolo di cui di seguito possiamo vedere il video originale e leggerne il testo.


Video Why Don’t You Gramophonedzie


Testo Why Don’t You Gramophonedzie


You had plenty money, 1922

You let other women make a fool of you

Why don’t you do right, like some other men do?

Get out of here and get me some money too

You’re sittin’ there and wonderin’ what it’s all about

You ain’t got no money, they will put you out

Why don’t you do right, like some other men do?

Get out of here and get me some money too

If you had prepared twenty years ago

You wouldn’t be a-wanderin’ from door to door

Why don’t you do right, like some other men do?

Get out of here and get me some money too

I fell for your jivin’ and I took you in

Now all you got to offer me’s a drink of gin

Why don’t you do right, like some other men do?

Get out of here and get me some money too

Why don’t you do right, like some other men do?

Like some other men do


Gramophonedzie Why Don’t You Video Testo Canzoneultima modifica: 2010-03-11T06:27:00+01:00da
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